iSlideRuleHD Scales - T
"T" Scales
° T<45°'
The T<45° scale, also known as the T scale on some rules, runs from angle degrees from 5.7° to 45°.  The T<45° and T>45° scales are normally associated with the C or D scale, depending on whether these scales are on the rule or the slide.  The T>45° scale ranges from 45° to approximately 84.5°.  The tangent or cotangent may be read from the C or D scale. The T>45°' and T<45°' scales have the scale ticks on the top side of the scale, while the T>45° and T<45° scales have the scale ticks on the bottom of the scale.  These scales were labeled T1 and T2 in earlier versions of iSlideRuleHD.
Formula: T = tan X or cot X
The T2 scale is a folded at 360 fundamental scale, normally found on the slide.  This scale is used in financial calculations involving compound interest over time.

Gauge marks are located at ⑫ (dozen), Ⓖ (gross), π, and τ.

Formula: T2 = 360 × X
The Th scale is a scale of hyperbolic tangents, and along with the Shn scales can be used in electrical engineering calculations.  This scale ranges from 1 to 3.

Formula: Th = tanh X
θ The θ scale shows values in degrees and is used to convert between degree values on this scale, and the radians equivalent shown on the X scale.

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