Top and Bottom Rule

The Top and Bottom rules can be moved to the left, or to the right, via several methods.

The simplest way to move the rules is to touch and drag the Top or Bottom rule left or right to the desired position.  The rules move together.  If the Slider is locked to the Body by a configuration setting, then all three rules move together.   The cursor may also be locked to the Top and Bottom rules (as of version 3.1.0).  If it is, then all three rules and the cursor will be moved together.

The Top and Bottom rules may also be moved by touching the Slider and holding the touch.  In this fashion, the two rules will accelerate, then decelerate as an index at the end of the rule approaches.  Touching to the left of the cursor will move the rules left and a touch to the right will move them to the right.

A single tap on the Top or Bottom rule will cause the Slider to move 1 pixel left or right, depending on the location of the tap; left or right of cursor; for fine-tuning of results.

Double-tapping the top or bottom rule will cause the scale selections to transition from the current scale set to the next configured scale set.  The change of scales does not generally alter the position of the cursor, so the values under the cursor will only be changed to the new set of scale values, as if the top and bottom rules each had fifteen scales instead of just the five that are visible.

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