
The Slider is the center rule of the slide rule.  It can be moved to the left, or to the right, using several different methods.

The simplest movement of the slider is to touch and drag it to the left or right.  This can be used to move the Slider to where you want it to be positioned.

A tap on the Top or Bottom rule will move the Slider 1 pixel position left or right, depending on if the tap is to the left or right of the cursor.  This can be used for fine positioning of the slider in relation to the top and bottom rule.

Additionally, the Slider may be moved by touching the Top or Bottom Rule, and holding the touch.  In this movement, the slider will accelerate, then decelerate as the Slider approaches either index position.

Touching the Slider with TWO fingers locks the Slider and Top and Bottom rules together, and by panning left or right, will rapidly show the nearest index at the left or right end of the rule, with the cursor remaining stationary at the last position it was in (possibly being obscured from view).  When the touch is lifted, the view "snaps back" to where the cursor was previously placed.

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