Number Limits

When the display format is "standard notation", the allowable range of numeric values is -9999999999 to -0.0000000001, zero, 0.000000001 to 9999999999.

When the display format is "scientific or engineering notation", the allowable range of numeric values is -9.999999 × 10⁹⁹ to -1 × 10⁻⁹⁹, zero, 1 × 10⁻⁹⁹ to 9.999999 × 10⁹⁹.

When the display format is "hexadecimal", the allowable range of values is -FFFFFFFFFF to FFFFFFFFFF.

When the display format is "octal", the allowable range of values is -7777777777 to 7777777777.
