The t-Register

Although the t-register ( temporary register ) is used primarily in statistics and polar/rectangular conversions, you can use it for temporary storage of a numeric value. When using the t-register for temporary storage, you should be aware of some characteristics that make this register different from a data register.

Using the t-Register

The [ x~t ] key enables you to quickly exchange (swap) the displayed value with the value in the t-register. Because this operation requires only one keystroke to store or recall a value, you may occassionally find it more convenient than using a data register.


Using the t-register, calculate 2.773.55-2.77+3.55.




Clear display[ CLEAR ]D_McSSNB
Begin Calculation2.77 [ yx ]D_PpPoxb
Store 2.77 in t-register and continue problem[ x~t ] [ ( ]
3.55 [ - ]
Store 3.55, restore 2.77 to display[ x~t ]D_lPiJHx
Perform subtraction, then exponentiation[ ) ] [ + ]D_6w8z91
Restore 3.55 to display[ x~t ]D_xhFG6N
Display result[ = ]D_CbQZ8P


The operation of the t-register is different from that of a data register. Remember the following limitations.

  • You lose any value stored in the the t-register if you turn off the calculator or perform any functions that use the t-register, such as statistics functions or polar/rectangular conversions.
  • You cannot perform memory arithmetic, increment, or decrement operations using the t-register.
