Entering Numbers

You can enter numbers in scientific notation regardless of which display format you have selected.


To enter numbers in scientific notation:
  1. Enter the mantissa, including [ +/- ] if negative.
  2. Press [ EE ]
  3. Enter the exponent, including [ +/- ] if negative.
When you press an operation key, the display and resulting notation depend on prior conditions.
  • If you have previously selected standard or scientific notation, the number is displayed in the scientific format and the calculator remains in scientific notation until changed.
  • If you have previously selected engineering notation, the number is normalized to the engineering format and the calculator remains in engineering notation until changed.


Enter the number -74.07 × 10⁴ when the calculator is in the standard display format.




Clear display[ CLEAR ]D_McSSNB
Enter the mantissa74.07 [ +/- ]D_eUDwLx
Enter the exponent[ EE ] 4D_ku4hle
Convert to scientific notation[= ]D_wiTslB
Return to standard notation[ INV ] [ EE ]D_kHqq8T
