Random Numbers

You can use the calculator to produce random numbers. Entering a seed value allows you to reproduce a random sequence.

Generating Random Numbers

You can use the R# function to generate a sequence of uniformly distributed, random decimal numbers between 0 and 1. To use the R# function, press [ NUM ] { R# }.

The random number generator begins at a random point and generates a unique sequence. Each time the calculator is turned off and back on, a new random sequence can be generated.

You can also "seed" the generator to produce the same sequence of numbers each time you enter the same see. To seed the generator:
  1. Enter a seed number ( 0 or any number between 1 and 100, not including 100). If you enter number outside this range, they duplicate the action of other seed numbers.
  2. Press [ INV ] { R# }.


Generate a predicatable sequence of random numbers, and then verify the see will regenerate the same sequence.




Clear display[ CLEAR ]D_McSSNB
Enter seed value8.2
[ NUM ]
[ INV ] { R# }
Display random number{ R# }D_Z62Noy
Display random number{ R# }D_3cp87w
Display random number{ R# }D_M5fept
Reenter seed value8.2
[ INV ] { R# }
Display random number{ R# }D_Z62Noy
