Reference Section

Use this section as a source of reference information about entering calculator functions into a program, interrupting a program to enter numbers, and pausing a program to display numeric values.

Restore PC

[ 2nd ] [ PC ]

Alternately displays and erases the current value of the program counter in the second line of the display. This function operates only in the learn mode. (Use this function to restore the program counter if it has been cleared by using a system-menu key.)



Interrupts program execution and defines the [ F1 ] key as { GO }. The address where the program was interrupted is stored internally. To resume execution from that location, press { GO }. If the { GO } definition is cleraed by subsequent manual calculator operations, it can be restored by pressing [ BREAK ].

You can use [ BREAK ] as a keyboard command to stop a running program or a listing function. If you press [ BREAK ] to stop a program, you can resume execution from the interrupted location by pressing { GO }.

The instruction mnemonic for [ BREAK ] is BRK.

Using [ BREAK ] and [ HALT ]

Although [ BREAK ] and [ HALT ] both stop program execution, the functions have differences that make them suitable for different application:
  • [ BREAK ] should be used when you want to stop a program to perform a manual calculator operation (such as entering a number) and then resume execution from the interrupted location.
  • [ HALT ] should be used at the end of the program and in cases when you want to stop a program without affecting the definition of the function keys.


[ 2nd ] [ PAUSE ]

Stop program execution for one second. The information displayed during the one-second pause depends upon the instructions that have been executed previously.

The instruction mmnemonic for [ 2nd ] [ PAUSE ] is PAU.
