
The scientific-calculator functions can be divided into two categories: functions accessed through conventional key sequences, such as [ + ] and [ INV ] [ SIN ], and functions accessed through system-menu keys, such as [ CONV ] { MET } { G-L }. This section discusses the entry of conventional keys into a program.

Storing Primary Functions

To store a key's primary function in a program, simply press the key for that function while the calculator is in the learn mode. For example, if you press [ SIN ] in the learn mode, the following is displayed (note the PC address in the lower half of the display may be different in your program.)

Storing Second Functions

To store a second function in a program, press the [ 2nd ] key followed by the key for that function. The mnemonic that is displayed represents the key's second function. For example, if you press [ 2nd ] [ CMS ] in the learn mode, the following mnemonic is displayed.

Storing Inverse Functions

To store an inverse function in a program, press the [ INV ] key followed by the key or key sequence for that function. For most inverse functions, [ INV ] is stored as a separate instruction. ( Only two inverse functions do not store [ INV ] as a separate instruction. These are the transfer instructions [ INV ] [ 2nd ] [ GTL ] and [ INV ] [ 2nd ] [ SBL ].)

For example, if you press [ INV ] [ yˣ ] in the learn mode, the following mnemonics are displayed.

Storing Hyperbolic Functions
To store a hyperbolic function in a program, press the [ HYP ] key followed by the key or key sequence for that function. [ HYP ] is stored as a separate instruction.

For example, if you press [ HYP ] [ INV ] [ SIN ] in the learn mode, the following mnemonics are displayed.

Storing Functions with Fields

To store a function with a field in a program, press the key or key sequence for the function and then enter the field. The calculator groups the field characters together in the display.

For example, if you press [ STO ] 007 in the learn mode, the following mnemonic is displayed.

You do not have to enter leading zeros when you store a numeric field if you use short-form addressing. For example, if you press [ RCL ] 7 [ x² ] in the learn mode, the following mnemonics are displayed.


Write a program to evaluate the following equation.

    B = 3A² + 12A - 12

Assume that you enter the value of A into the display before you start the program. Because the equation uses A in two places, have the program store the value in a data register and recall it when it's needed again.




Activate learn mode[ LEARN ]
{ 1st }
Clear program memory[ 2nd ]
[ CP ]
Store value of A[ STO ] AD_WPmQkI
Square A[ x² ]D_uPAxtb
Multiply by 3[ × ] 3D_jhRcLg
Add[ + ]D_Onk3Ai
Enter second term12 [ × ]
[ RCL ] A
Enter third term[ - ] 12D_EKkiSL
Obtain result[ = ]D_027lO6
Stop execution[ HALT ]D_6XH8Sx
Exit learn mode *[ LEARN ]D_SAJ7Pl

Running the Example

To test the program, compute B for A=5, A=11, and A=1024.




Display RUN menu[ RUN ]D_6bcFWA
Calculate value5
{ PGM }
Calculate value11
{ PGM }
Calculate value1024
{ PGM }
