Internal Representation of Numeric Values

Any numeric value you enter using one of the formatted modes (including hex and octal) is converted for internal use as a floating-point decimal number. No such conversion takes place for bytes you enter using the unformatted mode.

Floating-Point Representation

Numeric values are stored internally as three components:
  • A 13-digit mantissa (with an assumed decimal point following the first digit).
  • A sign digit
  • A two-digit exponent.

For example, the number -0.64 is stored as:

The sign digit may be one of four values, depending on the sign of the mantissa and the sign of the exponent. (Values other than those shown here are not used or indicate an error condition.)

Sign Digit


0Positive mantissa, positive exponent
4Negative mantissa, positive exponent
8Positive mantissa, negative exponent
CNegative mantissa, negative exponent


Use the unformatted mode to show the internal, floating-point representation of a decimal number.




Enter a number.64 [ +/- ]D_YEHleT
Display internal representation[ CONV ]
{ BAS } { UNF }
Return to decimal mode{ DEC }D_Swnywp

In the unformatted mode, the sign digit C indicates that both the mantissa and exponent are negative. Therefore, the mantissa is -6.400000000000 and the exponent is -01, which is equivalent to -0.64.
